
Manitoba Hydro receives high marks for community engagement on Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project

Building additional transmission capacity between Canada and United States electrical grids has benefits for both countries, says the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) in their white paper Clean Connection: Canadian and U.S. Electricity.

It’s a position gaining more interest, according to Utility Dive in the article An ideal marriage? The battle to match US clean energy demand with excess Canadian hydropower, posted online in August 2021.

The article takes a deep dive into this mutually beneficial relationship of cross-border co- operation, stating “pairing up surplus Canadian hydropower with demand from renewable power-hungry utilities in New York, Massachusetts and other states would seem to be a pragmatic and maybe even a compelling move as the fight to combat climate change takes on a new urgency.

Manitoba Hydro’s efforts with Minnesota Power are highlighted in the article as a “key lesson learned regarding the importance of early discussions with key stakeholders in a project before starting the official permitting process.

The collaboration between our utilities on the Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project (MMTP) and Great Northern Transmission Line (GNTL) is featured as a successful example of cross-border co-operation.

Foggy sun through towers.