
Some changes to this newsletter — and a request for feedback

It’s been just over six years since Manitoba Hydro launched The Hydro Current, and a lot has happened in that time.

Since its first issue in July 2018, The Hydro Current has documented a lot of change at Manitoba Hydro — milestones like completing multiple high-voltage direct-current transmission lines, responding to (and repairing tremendous damage from) to one of the worst storms in its history, completing construction of the Keeyask Generating Station, using drones to protect wildlife, and rehabilitating our 100-year-old Pointe du Bois Generating Station, to name a few. These are all projects and initiatives Manitoba Hydro undertakes so it can continue to provide safe, reliable power to all its customers.

As Manitoba Hydro continues to make changes to navigate the evolving energy landscape, it is important its newsletters reflect that change. That’s why, in the spirit of progress, Manitoba Hydro will now be sending out The Hydro Current twice a year instead of every quarter. This schedule will allow the utility to better summarize the key changes it navigates every year and spend more time on articles that matter to you.

But as with any of its endeavours, Manitoba Hydro believes strongly in working with interested parties to ensure a project is in the best interests of everyone involved.

That’s where you come in.

Your feedback can help Manitoba Hydro shape this newsletter into the best publication it can be. What would you like to read? Does a biannual schedule work for you, or would more or less frequent updates be preferable? Are there stories you’d like to follow up on, questions you want answered, or topics you think The Hydro Current should cover? Are there other ways you would like to hear from Manitoba Hydro moving forward?

You can answer these questions, ask new ones, and give your feedback on The Hydro Current by emailing

In the meantime, thank you for reading.