
Volume 3, Issue 1

It takes a village: building a strong energy future requires a coordinated, united front

September 4, 2020 in Volume 3, Issue 1

Utilities and decision-makers need to work together for the future of utility customers. Electrification comes from necessity. It’s an inherently reactive process: people settle in a certain area. They build homes and start businesses and begin to set down roots. A critical part of every settlement effort is energy, and so utilities react to provide the electricity and other services people need.

Keeyask generating station achieves milestones in 2020

September 4, 2020 in Volume 3, Issue 1

The Keeyask Generation Project achieved several milestones this year. Watch the video to see the progress made so far in 2020.

Manitoba Hydro retires 60-year-old thermal station, further lowering utility’s carbon footprint

September 4, 2020 in Volume 3, Issue 1

After 60 years of operation, Manitoba Hydro is closing the Selkirk Generating Station, one of the last thermal stations in its generation mix. The 132-megawatt facility, with two 66-megawatt generating units, was originally built as a coal-fired plant to serve Manitoba’s capital city of Winnipeg in 1960. The facility was converted to burn natural gas in 2002 for environmental reasons.

New transmission line between Manitoba and Saskatchewan under construction

September 4, 2020 in Volume 3, Issue 1

Following regulatory approval in January and selection of a contactor, Manitoba Hydro has begun construction on a new transmission line to export clean, renewable hydroelectric power to its neighbours to the west.

Taking customer experience seriously in the digital age

September 4, 2020 in Volume 3, Issue 1

Mirroring larger shift toward digital customer experiences, Manitoba Hydro launches new online account management system for its domestic customers This video recorded late 2019 illustrates some of the benefits of the new customer portal.