Volume 6, Issue 1
Bearing it: wildlife hazards while on the job up north
At the risk of reinforcing a Canadian stereotype, some of Manitoba Hydro’s most northern staff deal with an unexpected on-the-job hazard: polar bears.
Inspections lead to controlled shutdown at Jenpeg Generating Station
On February 11, 2024, Manitoba Hydro took all six generating units out of service at Jenpeg Generating Station after a crack on the Unit 4 rotor was discovered during a repair in late January.
Manitoba Hydro appoints interim CEO as search for new one begins
On February 13, 2024, Manitoba Hydro appointed Hal Turner, the utility’s former Vice-President of Asset Planning & Delivery, as Interim President and CEO.
Rehabilitating Manitoba Hydro’s oldest operating power plant
With some of the hydroelectric works at Manitoba Hydro’s Pointe du Bois Generating station clocking in at over a century, it is the utility’s oldest operating power plant, having gone into service in 1911.